Miami Beach Chamber Announces 3rd Annual Badass Women of the Year Awards to be held at Bloom at Jung

MIAMI BEACH, FL (May 31, 2023) --- The Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce it will be celebrating its 3rd Annual Badass Women of the Year Awards on August 25, 2023 at Bloom at Jungle Island. The Chamber is thoroughly committed to shining a light on the extraordinary achievements of women in Miami-Dade County. The event aims to promote women in professional roles breaking glass ceilings and accomplishing notable feats in industries typically dominated by men.


The event committee is Chaired by Women’s Business Council Chair Stephanie Leger, CEO of First Rate Hospitality, and Vice Chair Cindi George, of the Kimpton Surfcomber. This year the Chamber will be obtaining nominations from the following categories: Finance, Healthcare, Science & Technology, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Law, Sports, Transportation / Aviation, Young Women In Excellence (Women under age 30) and Women In Business (Business Owners and/or Professionals not in the aforementioned industries).


“We believe that by embracing and nurturing diversity, businesses position themselves for long-term success and sustainable growth in an ever-evolving landscape”, says Aaron Tandy, Chairman of the Board and General Counsel for Boucher Brothers Management Inc. “It’s important for us to be at the forefront of promoting and celebrating exceptional business leaders throughout our local community. This event is special because it creates opportunities for our local businesses to highlight dynamic people in their work-space and to receive recognition for their efforts.”


The Badass Women of the Year Awards has several, highly engaging Sponsorship packages available ranging from the Title sponsorship of $15,000, which gives the business, Event Naming Rights, to the most attainable sponsorship, Swag Bag Sponsor of $300, which allows the business to submit promotional materials into each attendee’s BWOTY Swag Bag. 


Another way businesses can participate is through the Raffle Sponsorship. This package allows businesses to submit a gift to our event worth $1,000. Attendees will automatically be entered into the raffle upon purchasing a ticket, and the winners will be announced throughout the event. This is a great way to promote a product or service to our audience; professional women of Miami-Dade County.


This year, category winners will be called on stage to give a few pearls of wisdom to the audience, explaining what they think has helped them build their exceptional career. Attendees will learn in real–time what one must do to be a #BWOTY.


To nominate a Badass visit:


To purchase tickets visit:


To view the 2023 BWOTY Sponsorship Deck visit:


About Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce 


The Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce was formed in 1921 to promote the economic well-being of Miami Beach's citizens, to improve the quality of life for the entire community and to communicate the view of the business community on major issues of public policy.