Tai Chi Meditation Walk - Health & Wellness Council Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST
2nd Thursdays 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Non-members RSVP with Leslie Ann Reams, Council Liaison at admin@miamibeachchamber.com
Contact Information
For further information about the council or to be a guest speaker Contact Enid Rodriguez, Council Liaison.
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Please join Health & Wellness Co-Chairs Maia Media Villa and Dr. Sachi
For a relaxing Tai Chi Meditation Walk at the beautiful Miami Beach Botanical Garden
Walk led by Dr. Sachi who will be demonstrating and teaching you how to enjoy this form of TAI CHI MOVING MEDITATION at any time in any place
To facilitate communication between and among the members of the Health & Wellness community and the Miami Beach community at large in order to (a) increase awareness that impacts individuals and businesses and (b) identify and create business opportunities between them.